27 May
27 May
5:50 p.m.
I decoded 'aausat_26052008_2020utc.wav' (4.5MB) which was received by DK3WN / Mike Rupprecht. I used the following technical skill, then I got four telemetry data.
1. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 2. Install demodulator.exe 3. Install decoder_demo.exe 4. Record as WAV file from AAUSAT-II FFSK/MSK 5. Convert to WAV using by sox.exe sox.exe aausat_29042008_0815.wav -t raw -c1 -r48000 -L -s -4 temp.wav 6. Convert to BIN using by demodulator.exe Demodulator.exe temp.wav raw_beacon_data.bin 7. Convert to TXT using by decoder_demo.exe decoder_demo.exe (Enter) 8. Then save automatically as beacon.txt