The cheapest way to do it is a USB RTL-SDR dongle ($10-$20). You might need the AMSAT broadband preamp ($50) depending on the antennas you plan to use.
I wouldn't recommend this in a high RF environment, though.
The FUNcube Dongle would be easier to setup, is less likely to need the preamp, and has more filtering than the RTL-SDR. It does cost $215, but pair that with the crossed dipole antenna from AMSAT-UK ($63) ( http://shop.amsat.org.uk/shop/article_50/FUNcube-Telemetry-Receive-Antenna-S...) and you have an excellent system to receive WX satellites as well as the FUNcube-1 and FUNcube-2 telemetry.
Paul, N8HM
On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 7:32 AM, Rich/wa4bue [email protected] wrote:
Would someone please suggest an inexpensive broadband receiver for the weather SATS?
We are gearing up for the new school year in Chesapeake, VA.
Rich W4BUE / K4AMG