Wait .... wasn't AMSAT-DL always the lead when it came to Phase-3 satellites ???
Also, AMSAT-DL has a platform already constructed awaiting launch opportunity.
Issues with ITAR aside, why can't we just support our international partners ... somehow ... ???
Getting an amateur radio satellite into orbit costs real green dollars (Euros, GBP, whatever) we would do better pooling resources for the good of all.
There are all kinds of players in the launch market these days .... US, ESA, Russia, China, Japan, India .... and a lot of up and coming private launch vendors .... call me naive but I think conditions are BETTER now (ITAR aside) than they were in the days of AO-10 ....
Why can't we focus on the possibilities .... ????
On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 2:30 AM, John Stephensen [email protected] wrote:
AMSAT-NA abandoned the Eagle project years ago. Only AMSAT-DL has an "active" HEO project. with P3E.