I will be there between 7/14 and 7/19. The 14th and 19th will be travel days where I'll be in CN79, and CO70. I'll be staying in CN69 for the most part and where I'll be will make it difficult to work easterly passes seeing as I'll be on the side of a hill. There is a chance that I can get CO60 but I won't know when until I'm actually there. I'll pass more information as it gets closer to trip time.
73 de Pat --- KA9SCF Amsat #35741
On 5/29/07, Patrick Green [email protected] wrote:
These squares seem rare to me. I was wondering what the desire for them would be. I would have to make a special effort to hit CO60 but I would do it if there are a bunch of people that want it. Let me know. I would be operating FM sats and APRS packet with my HT and Arrow from these areas.
73 de Pat --- KA9SCF. Amsat #35741