27 Nov
27 Nov
1:46 p.m.
Any news on HumSat-D ? HumSAT project last report was on the 22nd Nov -Anyone receiving beacons or telemetry Humsat-D (University of Vigo – Spain) 437,325 MHz CW.
437,525 MHz GMSK-1200bps
CW beacon with different parameters of the satellite (only in sunlight) TM every 150 seconds with all the housekeeping parameters (only in sunlight).
The latest TLE’s I have are :-
HUMSAT-D 1 99999U 99999 13329.00000000 .00007343 00000-0 87509-3 0 00055 2 99999 097.8049 041.5704 0032992 194.8244 256.4110 14.84000018000018
Reports to humd.reports at humsat.org