Hi Paul, K6HR
The SSB and CW sensitivity of an IC 821H in 70 cm is less than 0.11uV for a Signal to Noise ratio S/N= 10 dB
Converting the above data into Noise Figure NF in dB we get: -6 2 ( Vin x 10 ) x 20 NF = 10 log [ ------------------------ ] + 174 dB 10 BW x S/N
Vin = input signal = 0.11 uV (microvolt) BW = Band Width for SSB = 2400 Hz S/N = Signal to Noise ratio = 10 dB i.e. 10 time in power ratio
-6 2 ( 0.11 x 10 ) x 20 NF = 10 log [ --------------------------- ] + 174 = 4 dB dB 10 2400 x 10
Showing a NF= 4 dB the IC 821 H seems to be a very good sensitive receiver but if you want to improve the overall Noise Figure using an antenna mounted preamplifier the Noise Figure of it must be less than 1 dB and infact the Noise Figure of a AR SP432VDG is NF= 0.55 dB and the only change between two models is only the gain because model VDG has a gain of 24 dB while the model VDA has a gain of 15 dB
The important thing here adding an antenna mounted preamplifier to a receiver is not to overload the receiver with a very high noise coming from the preamplifier gain.
Addind RF stages in cascade the rule of thumb is the following one:
"When adding a preamplifier if the noise increases by 10 dB than the overall noise of the receiving system is not deteriorated "
Since the NF of a AR SP432VDA is 0.55 dB and the gain is 15 dB if the coax cable between the output of your preamplifier and receiver input is not too long and lossy then you will not overload the IC 821 H because the S meter reading with the preamplifier ON will be only about two S units of more noise but the overall Noise Figure of your receiver system will be in the range between 0.55 dB and 1 dB so that you will get a consistent improvement in sensitivity.
About the above matter also please read the following letters :
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Delaney - K6HR" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 7:11 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] IC-821H Frontend Overload?
I'm setting up for satellite operation and considering the AR2 SP432VDG
24db preamp. A friend suggests this will likely overload the frontend of the radio (an 821H) The antennas are M2 eggbeaters. Would the SP432VDA 15db be a better choice?
Can anyone using these preamps give me some feedback on the 15db vs. 24db
preamps and which might be the best way to go considering the radio and antennas I have?
Paul Delaney [email protected] http://k6hr.dyndns.org:8080 _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb