i8cvs wrote:
Depending on the gain of your antenna and the overall Noise Figure of your receiving system, you can try to receive the Sun Noise at 2400 MHz
Using my 4 ft parabolic dish ( gain = 27 dBi ) and my receiving system with an overall Noise Figure = 0.98 dB I get actually about a (S+N)/N = 3.5 dB of Sun Noise with the actual solar flux of 66 sfu at 2800 MHz
Receiving Sun Noise tell you if your receiving system is working or not according to your antenna and receiver specifications because our calibrated noise source at no cost is the Sun.
By the way a little of Radioastronomy at 2400 MHz is all we can do waiting for P3E
If you are interested on it please let me know.
Hi Domenico,
Thanks for this, I'll have a go at it this weekend. Since its winter down here its dark when I leave or arrive home to/from work so I wont see the Sun until then.
I'd like to do a little radio astronomy and I've actually been listening to Juptier on 20.1Mhz with SkyPipe so anymore info greatly appreciated.