Hello All,
The Brazilian Space Agency - AEB released the videos of astronaut Marcos Pontes, PY0AEB when he was on board the International Space Station in March 2006. In the video we hear some QSO' with stations in Brazil. This is the first video of the genus produced in Portuguese language.
Thanks to Tadeu, PY1KCF for providing the videos on Youtube and Mauricio, PY4MAB by informations.
In the first link of youtube you can hear the QSO with hams.
I Hope you enjoy it.
Piraja, PS8RF _________________________________________________________________ TRANSFORME SUAS FOTOS EM EMOTICONS PARA O MESSENGER. CLIQUE AQUI PARA COMEĆAR. http://ilm.windowslive.com.br/?ocid=ILM:Live:Hotmail:Tagline:senDimensao:TRA...