Good Evening! While attempting to use my FunCube Pro directly from FoxTelem I get an error: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND. An internet search has found mentions of the error but no solutions for my situation. I am using Windows 10 for the OS on my comupter. Any thoughts or suggestions ??
By the way, I use SDRConsole and feed the audio via VB_Audio Virtual Cable with GREAT results. I even have RSDConsole with WispDDE running the antenna rotor controller. I thought I would try the direct feed FoxTelem- to-FunCube before I set up My Raspberry Pi for "Fox-in-a-Box"
One last question, while I'm here: Is there any way FoxTelem without SDRConsol, with a DDE program , could run the rotor controller?
Thank you for you help.
Jim Jipping, W8MRR AMSAT # 5512