On 29 Jan 2008, at 22:47, Ollie Eisman wrote:
I have had excellent results with Keyspan usb<>serial adapters on my macs.
When I got my first Mac I borrowed a friends keyspan adapter for a few days and it worked fine. When he asked for it back (;-(), I had a look around for one locally and found a usb<>rs232 adapter in a local Maplin store - the assistant looked at the package and read off 'works on MacOS' so I went away happy. When I got home and had ripped the packaging open it would not pick it up at all on my Mac, so I had a closer look at the wording on the package - not much of it in english and sure enough it did say it would work on MacOS - but it didn't say anything about MacOSX. Probably the assistant didn't know the difference.
since then I've used several keyspan adapters and all were picked up correctly by MacOSX.
I am in no way associated with Keyspan - just a satisfied user.
Same here...:-)