Dear All,
A little bit of ham radio history could be yours; I am having a tidy up, and have put this up for auction on ePay:
Among other things it was used to make the first transatlantic 1200 bps PSK packet contact (via FO-12 in late 1986) with Tom Clark W3IWI, now K3IO. Somewhere I still have the cassette tape ...
The TNC2 (serial #1587) was also used to develop my 9600 baud Packet Radio modem, which happily went on to become a de-facto standard. Older readers probably know what that is/was, but anyway you can read about it at: http://tinyurl.com/5jxhlf and at http://tinyurl.com/6dn5r3
Kind friends occasionally ask after me. Well, whilst waiting for the next HEO, this project http://tinyurl.com/6yfqp4 and P5A keeps me alert, as does this product http://tinyurl.com/unva6 And a teenage daughter keeps me young/old/poor.
Best wishes to friends at Atlanta this weekend!
73 de James G3RUH (former AO-13 and AO-40 Command Station)