With the occasional conversations going on with leo, nano sat, GEO, cube sat, heo, etc. Just what does it cost to put these gizzmos up there? Who are the major players who do the putting? More and more countries and private companies are developing this capability. Competition is the cost equalizer. I mean what if North Korea said, "we can do that for for cheap". To save face would say NASA , "step up"? I, and we in the majority do not understand all the ramifications political and otherwise to be made in these decisions. I do know we (AMSAT) have some very smart and "well placed" people within the industry. I hear the term, "benevolent benefactor", "pool our visa cards", "get lottery tickets", etc. I have yet to see a "dig in our heels" concept and make it happen. There is not a specific answer to these questions and ideas. I feel it important to keep this carrot in front of our nose.
73 Bob W7LRD