This problem has occurred a few times during a pass. SatPC32 stops working (I can see its not updating the frequencies) and whenever I click the tone control (T0, T1) I get the message "Access is denied" and the Countdown window dissappears. If I click OK on the message popup, the window reappears. It gets worse; In order to restore operation meaning to get doppler control so I can make a sat QSO, I need to restart SatPC32 but when I click the X, I get the error message. I must click File, Quit. By this time, the pass is over. Restarting SatPC32 does restore normal operation. This problem is intermittent. Most of the time, SatPC32 works well with my IC-9700. The PC is running Win10. Do these symptoms point to a known issue or do I just reinstall everything?