Another busy day on the ship limited me to only the two RS-44/CW passes; the first pass was from BK98, and the second one was from BK88. I'm still struggling to hear my own downlink on the satellite which costs precious time; the Elk antenna is so critical in the angle I hold it that moving it just a few degrees in any plane causes me to quickly lose my own signal; if I can't hear myself, I know the calling stations aren't likely to either.
For tomorrow, I'll try to be on AO-91 at 29/2150Z from BK68. That pass only hits KH6 however; maybe someone's on from there, dunno. Later on, I will hopefully be on CAS-4A/B around 30/0130Z when we should still be in BK68. We'll cross into BK58 probably around 30/0230Z, and I'll shoot for another pair of CAS-4A/B passes around 30/0300Z plus two RS-44/CW passes at 30/0339Z and 0529Z.
The ship's satellite system is starting to see the primary bird, so hopefully we'll start receiving e-mail and get back internet access soon. 73/Jim, ND9M