Here is an update for the next K4AMG event at ODU:
Event: Engineering Open House Dates: Feb 19 & 20
The Open House is a recruiting event for the school of engineering. Students from 40 Middle and High Schools (400 – 600 students) throughout the Hampton Roads region will be visiting the school to tour the labs and campus, meet the (current ODU) students and faculty, and learn more about education and career opportunities in engineering.
K4AMG will be supporting the event by conducting a mini field day event will be on Friday, Feb 19 and by hosting lab stations on Saturday Feb 20th featuring a 15 minute presentation of ham radio topics. The lab topics include:
An overview of amateur radio as a learning tool
A (light) technical discussion about the science and engineering that support radio communications
A youth forum presented by several young radio amateurs KJ4NFL – Emergency and Public Service Communications WX4TVJ and AE4FH – Antennas KJ4EYZ – Cultures and Environmental Considerations for DX-peditions
Satellite communications featuring the CUBESAT simulator provided by AMSAT-NA –KW4CR
Society of Broadcast Engineers – Richard Dyer speaking on Careers in Broadcast Engineering and Electronics and Wireless Communications
At the student luncheon 9 year old Hope Lea, KM4IPF, will be the key note speaker - subject OSCAR Satellite Communications
We still have some time slots available.
John LeVous, KW4CR [email protected] President, K4AMG Memorial Amateur Radio Club