PCSAT status:
For the first time in 7 years, we were not able to fully recover PCSAT during this full sun period despite the efforts of a number of dedicated volunteers around the world. Full sun periods occur when passes are at sunrise and sunset to earth observers. PCSAT gets sun 24 hours a day then, but only on the side panels. It is an interesting conundrum that when PCSAT is in full sun its average power is worst because the sun only hits the side panels, but if we can recover it once, then we can lower the average power and keep it alive. (we have been unsuccessful this time).
On the other hand, a month later, the peak power available (on the best -Z panel) occurs during the worst case eclipses, (midday passes in the Northern hemisphere) so then there are strong packets for 20 minutes or so, Recovery is very reliable, but useless since then 15 minutes later she goes into 35 minute darkness and she dies. But she is useable during the middle of those sunny side passes which will be approaching in mid January. Anyway, this is not the last you will hear of PCSAT, but there will probably not be any more several week full sun, full recovery periods as there have been in the past.
Remember that PCSAT has its best panel pointing along the magnetic field lines of the Earth towards the South Magnetic pole of the Earth, and so if you are good at 3D visualization, it is easy to see what is happening. There is a plot on the PCSAT web page, and when I get back to it, I will make another plot showing what it looks like during the peak period above.
See www.aprs.org/pcsat.html
Sun angle is worsening for my location, and this being nearest the winter solstace, the sun won't get any better. Full sun period in Feb will not be as good as this one was. The good news is that I think a colleage of mine will develop a better magnetic attitude model so we can know better exactly when is the max power on the spacecraft. It should be entirely predictible, so that we do not waste any time on poor angles.
I really appreciate all the efforts of so many operators.
This is my last day for this season due to some long expected family news last night I will be on travel to Alabama for the next weeks and doubt I will get much email access.
So play packet on the ISS and thanks again for all your efforts!