19 Mar
19 Mar
4:25 p.m.
Return Mail to wa1rks@yahoo.com Like so many before me posted, I have had gud success with linear polarized antennas. I have been using stacked 11 el vertically pol, on 2m since 1974, and recently went to 2x20 el on 432-435 mhz horizontally pol, stacked in between the vertical 2m ant, With great success. as most of you that posted have worked me on them. fixed elevation also. from 0-30 deg. off the horizons I do very well, little spotty over head, although I do need some pre-amps to work the fm birds. but I think thats more of an radio problelm than antenna. my 2 cents worth! Pics of my ant. on my QRZ spot,along with the "Beast" my new HB 9el 36ft boom 6m ant. de Ellis WA1RKS