I believe this mail ought to be forwarded to *ALL* amateur radio satellite organisations.
We've - (GM1SXX & LA2QAA) - said it often enough in the last 10 years but if we persist, somebody just might finally get the message.
Commander John Brannegan G4IHJ made us aware of the problem in 1994 ... so far, to the best of my knowledge, it's been totally ignored.
Please *DO* note the last paragraph.
73 John. [email protected] To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:33:45 +0000 Subject: [eu-amsat] The IARU, Satellite Frequency Co-ordination and the CUBESAT Bands.
Hi Folks.
Having read through the material pointed to by Trevor, it seems the
case that unco-ordinated satellites and the proliferation of
University CUBESATs on 2M and 70Cms (the prime bands for linear
transponder birds), are indeed a problem that is not being addressed,
or about to be addressed, any time soon. Sure, there will be talk
about addressing the problem, but that's all.
As best I can understand, the IARU believes it is an issue for local
(National) radio societies. With no-one 'steering the ship', as it
were, it's hardly any wonder it ran aground a long time ago.
Complaining to your national radio society is unlikely to carry much
clout for a satellite builder at the other end of the world. In
short, it's a free-for-all.
It's not a new problem either, see Altruistic radio amateurs (1994)
John GM4IHJ noted this growing problem 14 *years* ago, and yet nobody
seems to care. Perhaps we really do get what we deserve.
It's likely that AMSAT will be a forgotten organisation once the two
most useful band segments we are allowed are littered with 'me-too'
Can you imagine a future scenario....not too far in the future.
'Linear transponders on 2m & 70Cms?'.... don't be silly, those are the
Cubesat bands :-).
73 Al.
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