Dear All,
Greetings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I have a Yaesu G-5500 rotator that has a spoilt azimuth motor while the elevation motor works fine. Looking at the specifications published by Yaesu, the G-800 rotator seems to be very similar with the azimuth motor of the G-5500.
Instead of purchasing a whole new set of G-5500 just to replace the spoilt azimuth motor (the control box is working and this has been verified with another working azimuth motor), I wonder if anyone has tried replacing the azimuth motor the G-800 instead?
Will the G-5500 control box work with the G-800 motor, are there some modifications needed, or is this simply not possible? Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
73, Sion Chow Q. C., 9M2CQC, WQ2C