There are several different orbital prediction models in use, and I would guess that they are not using the same one.
SatPC32 gives you a choice in the setup options, but it's been so long since I've used NOVA, I don't remember if or where the oprion is located.
73, Jim KQ6EA
On 05/24/2013 02:45 AM, Les Rayburn wrote:
Thanks to Dave, and many others who contacted me about the use of Satellite Tracker in HRD 6.0. It was exactly the kind of input that I was hoping for.
A couple of other questions:
1.) I've noticed that Nova for Windows and SAT32PC display slightly different data regarding AOS, LOS, Azimuth and Elevation for a given satellite. This seems strange to me since they're using the same KEP data, share the same PC clock which is synced every 12 hours, etc.
Anyone else notice these small differences? None of them have much effect on actual operation which is governed by the beamwidth of the antennas (pretty broad), objects blocking the horizon, etc. but it does make me curious.
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
6M VUCC #1712 AMSAT #38965 Grid Bandits #222 Southeastern VHF Society Central States VHF Society Life Member Six Club #2484
Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light
On 5/23/2013 4:20 PM, Dave WØDHB wrote:
I'm using HRD 6.0 SAT Tracker/HRD Rotator as well as SATPC32, predominately HRD SAT Tracker. In fact, I was using SAT Tracker when you and I QSO'd 5/20 on SO-50 .
I use them in conjunction with my Flex 5000A / EA4TX rotator controller/ G5500 rotator.
I am only using SAT Tracker and SATPC32 for TX/RX Doppler control as neither product has adequate support for other Flex 5000 Rig control functions IMHO .
I have written software which intercepts CAT commands coming from either program and I only pass on doppler tuning info through to the Rig. The same software allows me to do other required Rig control functions: -TX -TX/RX calibration for transponder satellites -RIT -Transmit power adjust -Satellite specific controls-TX/RX mode, tones, reset SO-50 timer, etc. I also have provided support for my TS-2000 and IC-9100 in the software. My preference for SAT Tracker is primarily because I like the user interface better.
Some caveats on using HRD 6.0 SAT Tracker/HRD Rotator natively with any supported rig: HRD Rotator does not play nicely with Rotators with a south stop (Yaesu-5400), you can make it work, but software azimuth readout is 180 deg off HRD SAT Tracker does not support transponders of the "Non-inverting type" (like AO-7 mode A)
Dave W0DHB
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