In a message dated 11/1/2008 8:24:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
During the last pass right now, I did not hear a beacon around 145.975 - should I be?
Like you, I just listened in tonight Joe during the last pass (TCA was 0108z at my QTH). I heard Andre N0SWE work Charlie on SSB (didn't get Charlie's K3 call). There were others like a WB5 but I didn't write down the callsigns. Sorry, I didn't really try to listen for the beacon .. just the QSOs. I was however disappointed that I didn't hear any CW QSOs. Not sure if that's the normal case or not. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that there was activity.
73, Gary -K8KFJ- West Virginia [email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected]) AMSAT #32574 Sat VUCC #125
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