After the Cochise Amateur Radio Association's hamfest wrapped up on Saturday (2 May) morning, I made a stop for lunch and then proceeded on my plan to work some passes from New Mexico. I had asked on Twitter for possible destinations on my post-hamfest drive, and I had just visited two grid boundaries in southeastern Arizona (DM51/DM52, DM52/DM53) in late March after a hamfest in Tucson. One request was made - New Mexico. So I went there...
After stopping for lunch, it took about an hour and a half to make the drive just over the Arizona/New Mexico state line. I stopped at the small "town" of Road Forks, New Mexico. The name of the town says it all - it is where the old US-80 highway makes a turn to the south, away from what is now I-10. Not much is here - a small motel with restaurant, and a fireworks shop. I parked at an abandoned truck stop across the road from those businesses, which was in grid DM52mf. I worked two passes from there - FO-29 at 2115 UTC, and AO-7 at 2135 UTC. I worked 9 stations on the FO-29 pass, but was shut out of the AO-7 pass. I could hear some loud and strong CW signals through AO-7, and could occasionally hear my own 5W CW and SSB signals, but no contacts.
After those two passes, I got back on I-10 and drove another 63 miles (just over 100km) in the next 50 minutes to reach a truck stop west of Deming at exit 68. This truck stop is a few hundred yards/meters east of 108 degrees West longitude, also known as the DM52xf/DM62af grid boundary. I parked along the side of the south frontage road along I-10, and worked a few passes from here before sunset (and a bad thunderstorm). I started on FO-29 at 2300 UTC. This was another good pass, and I logged 9 QSOs with stations from coast to (almost) coast. The AO-7 pass that came by a few minutes later was also good for me at this location. Unfortunately, after a minute or two of some strong CW, the mode B downlink shut off.
Just as the AO-7 downlink shut off, I was visited by a sheriff's deputy. The deputy was curious about what I was doing with radios on the roof of my car, waving an antenna skyward. I explained what I was doing, and the deputy told me that this area was a common route for people after illegally crossing the US/Mexico border south of that area. I told the deputy I had no plans on staying out here into the night, and that satisfied him. He left, and I still didn't hear AO-7 in the last couple of minutes of that pass.
There was an ISS pass coming over just before 0000 UTC, so I set up my Kenwood TH-D72A to use that. I saw a few call signs coming through, and was able to make one QSO. I was able to exchange APRS messages with Brad KG7NXH in the Phoenix area. This was a bonus, although I am finding I can make a QSO or two on many ISS passes with just my TH-D72A lately. One of these days, I will set up my laptop or one of my tablets so I can use a larger keyboard and screen for those passes. Until then, I'll have fun making packet QSOs with just the HT and antenna.
After the ISS made its pass, I planned on working two SO-50 passes from here. The first of the passes, around 0045 UTC, went across the northern and eastern sky, covering the continental USA. I logged 8 QSOs on this pass, including one with KG7NXH who I worked on the earlier ISS pass. After that, the later SO-50 pass around 0225 UTC that covered the west coast added 3 more QSOs. As this later pass started, a strong wind and rain started. After logging the last QSO on that pass, I quickly put my gear in the back seat of my car, and drove back to the truck stop. I did a better job of stowing my gear, with the cover over the gas pumps shielding me from the rain.
Including a stop for fuel and a late dinner, it took about 4 hours to drive home from Deming. I was "treated" to a thunderstorm complete with strong winds and rain for the first 30 minutes of the drive. I wish I had a video camera running for this part of my drive, because the light show was awesome. By the time I reached the Arizona state line, the rain and strong winds stopped. Except for some road construction on I-10 as I reached the edge of the Phoenix area, I was able to set the cruise control and make good time on the drive home.
I have uploaded all of my QSOs from Saturday - at the hamfest, and from these two locations in New Mexico - to Logbook of the World. If you worked me and would like to receive a QSL card, please e-mail me off-list with the QSO details. If you are in my log, I will gladly send a QSL card. No need to first send me a card and/or SASE.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK