28 May
28 May
4:16 p.m.
Just a reminder that the 2nd repeater is active on AO-51, 145.880 uplink and > 435.150 downlink. It is not restricted to QRP this time, but we do ask that > only FM voice be used. Those that have been reluctant to use the FM > satellites should give it a try, there is no contention. Last night on the > first east coast pass, there were only 3 stations the entire pass.> > 73, Drew KO4MA I have been trying with little success I had to change to the 1st repeater on three out of 4 chances...on the one that I found a station on the 2nd repeater we enjoyed a long chat on a 1st class FM channel with no QRM...
Rafael Valdez Jr. XE2RV @ DL55 10X-52716 QRV V/U Sat