Another observation from DO33 (yo Bernhardt), I've always had trouble hearing this bird well enough to work from my home station, as I have my antennas at fixed elevation, and manually-rotated via channelmaster... AO-51 has been consistently easier to hear AFTER it has passed overhead on ascending passes. Between AOS and peak-elevation, it's always just above my noise. I don't have any observations about descending passes because I'm not up early enough to try those;) . I also can't say how that compares to pre-flip, as I never heard it well enough to work, except on very low passes, and didn't keep notes. I actually had the bird all to myself a few weeks ago, while everyone from the USA already had LOS, and I had almost full-quieting for many minutes in a row that time, until my LOS. This is what struck me as being a significant observation!
I hope this helps,
73's Auke ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Papay" john@papays.com To: amsat-bb@amsat.org Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 8:47 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-51 Signal Strength Post Flip
It has been about a month now since AO-51 was commanded back to its normal orientation. But many are reporting that they are having more trouble hearing it now than they did before the first re-orientation.
It does seem to me that some stations that usually hear very well are not hearing that well now. This morning's pass (9Feb2010 1045z) of AO-51 seemed to bear that out. AF6RF, KB1RVT, KE3LB, WD0X?, KJ4CBC, K5QXJ, WB2IOL and YF6BFE were on the pass and with a few exceptions, all were not able to hear at some point during the pass. There are also a few noisy uplink transmissions as well.
The recording can be downloaded at: http://www.papays.com/AO-51_09Feb2010_104452za.mp3 (there are no signals in the first minute of the recording)
Is anyone else having trouble hearing AO-51 as well as they heard it before the flip experiment?
73, John K8YSE
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