Yes, I was also running simultaneously the telem software latest version.
73 Christy KB6LTY
*Kevin* wa7fwf at gmail.com mailto:amsat-bb%40amsat.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5Bamsat-bb%5D%20JY1-sat%20dashboard&In-Reply-To=%3Ce3eb2ee8-a2ef-097a-c556-1ff77b689b2f%40gmail.com%3E /Fri Dec 7 07:41:06 UTC 2018/
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Hi All, Is anyone else noticing any issues with the JY1-sat dashboard? I can start it with the sat present and it will instantly lock and track, next pass it will ignore the signal, kill it and restart it and bam instant lock.
73 Kevin WA7FWF
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