To Shuttle rebroadcasters:
Many people do not monitor your Shuttle Retransmission frequencey all the time, and so, may not remember that the Shuttle is in orbit. Therefore, a TNC should be connected to the Retransmitter that activates an APRS beacon on the local APRS channel whenever it is keyed. This APRS beacon will alert all mobiles on the front panel of their APRS radios in range that the retransmission is in progress.
We need to get this info out to all volunteer rebroadcasters... This web page shows how to use just an old TNC and no special software to format the beacon so that it shows all the relevant information right there on the front panel of the mobile APRS radios:
This technique also applies to all re-broadcasters of the Newsline, RAIN report, ARRL Audio file, and any other general info nets that need to be heard by all radio amateurs.
APRS is your universal real-time ham radio information channel. If you have info to share, beacon it on APRS live. Monitor APRS and see what is happening in your area.