In trying to maximize my satellite fun, I have realized that I have not tried the packet mode yet.
So I set up my station for rx/tx on aprs. and using findu.com was able to establish that all is working as far as the equipment goes. I can send and receive packets fb.
So the past few days ( very casually ) I have tried to receive some packets from the sats.. and I have not even been able to come up with a BLURP of anything so far !
Upon further investigation I read somewhere that the sats use SSB packet ? How is this possible with the Doppler and such? Or is it even true?
Any info would be great. Ide love to add digital sat operations to the list of modes !
Steven J. Raas
Locator FN20vg
QRV 2/432 , V/U U/V Sats & WSJT
Home Page & Sked Requests @ http://n2jdq2007.tripod.com/
AMSAT Member # 36396