Hi Patrick
Interesting observation about the Chinese handhelds being able to work full duplex on AO-85 (U/V) but not on SO-50 (V/U)
I saw some testing figures for harmonic output which suggested some radios use a single low pass with a cut-off just above 70cm, but the 2m transmitter uses the same filter. This meant the 3rd harmonic from 2m was very high and fell in the 70cm band de-sensing the radio.
What you have proved (hopefully) is that there are no outputs from the 70cm transmitter which interfere with the 2m receiver and that the receiver front end is not de-sensed when transmitting up to AO-85.
-----Original Message----- From: Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) [email protected] To: amsat-bb [email protected] Sent: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 9:34 Subject: [amsat-bb] Friday evening - LilacSat-2, AO-85 (yes!!!), and SO-50...
Even though the KG-UV9D and probably a few other Chinese-made dual-band HTs can't work SO-50 full-duplex, they are probably going to be viable options for a dual-band HT capable of full-duplex operation on AO-85 and other Fox-1 U/V satellites.