Frank, That's a good reminder about announcing the State for folksthat are chasing SAT-WAS. I try to remember to do that whenI'm in a Grid that straddles a border. BTW, it took me almost40 years to get mine, although I wasn't really serious until Inoticed I was getting kinda close. Glad you got in the Log. I don't really chase Grids very much,but my joy is giving out new ones for those in the hunt. GL/73, Bob K8BL (EM54, Tupelo, MS. A couple blocks from Elvis's birthplace) On Sunday, March 7, 2021, 01:24:16 PM CST, [email protected] wrote:
A thank you to all the roamers out there like WL7T/P, KE8FZT,N5BO and K8BL. Sorry if I missed a few. I never chased grids but now I think I’m hooked.
Just a small request that sometime during a pass you announce the State you are in as sometimes its not clear for grids that straddle State borders and I would like to keep the logbook tidy.
Thanks again for all your efforts these past few months.
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