Hi Tony,
Yes, this all makes perfect sense, and is what I thought should be happening. But I distinctly remember a website talking about how to get from one orbit to another - Hohman transfers, I think - and how you needed to turn around and fire your engine in the other direction at apogee to slow you down.
Thinking back, and looking at some pictures, perhaps what they were indicating was that the rocket burn would be in the other direction when viewed from above the orbital plane. But I do remember the "slow down" phrase, and that's what stuck in my brain because it certainly seemed (and is) wrong.
Of course, now I can't find the site... Or, if I did, it's probably been corrected by now. At least, let us hope so.
Thanks for indirectly letting me know that I'm not crazy...
Greg KO6TH
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 17:32:00 +1100 To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: Since We Are Off Topic Somewhat.... And drifting slightly
At 03:55 PM 2/16/2008, Greg D. wrote:
To go from a low circular orbit to a higher one, you fire your rocket behind you to pick up more speed. The "point" of the burn becomes the perigee of the new elliptical orbit, and half-way around is the new apogee. Ok, so far, so good. Now, if at the instant of apogee you
Yep. :)
did nothing, you'd fall back down to perigee, and back again to apogee on the next orbit. But since you fired your rocket to speed you up in the first place, to circularize the orbit you fire your rocket at the point of apogee to slow you down, and in fact to a slower speed than you started. I would think that would make you drop more steeply down on the next orbit, probably to a lower perigee than you started.
Nope. You fire the rocket to speed you up, which raises the perigee.
Instead, I'd think you should fire in the same direction as the first burn, to make things round, but that would make you go even faster, which Mr. Kepler said was wrong.
You're forgetting that the speed of a satellite in a non circular orbit varies as the satellite moves. In fact, Kepler's Laws state that in you were able to attach a string (with a very high elasticity and low tension!) between the satellite and the point around which it is orbiting, this string would sweep out an equal area every second.
My head is spinning (no pun intended)... Where did I go wrong?
Time for a thought experiment. I'll enlist the aid of Q of Star Trek (Next Generation) fame to shrink the Earth to a point, and the satellite to a very small size (maybe the size of a grain of salt). We'll put the satellite into a highly elliptical orbit, with a perigee of 1 metre above this "Earth singularity", and an apogee of around 7000km (equal to 800km above the Earth's real surface). As our satellite orbits this imaginary shrunken Earth, it picks up speed until it's travelling at some incredible speed at perigee (any mathematicians want to work it out, might even be relativistic, but let's assume Newtonian physics apply at all times and velocities - Q can make anything happen ;) ). What happens at apogee is more interesting. We're now approximately 7000 km above the singularity, and at the instant of apogee, there is no vertical motion, the velocity is horizontal, and only a few metres per _hour_ (since the orbit is very narrow). Now, at the moment of apogee, we accelerate our tiny satellite to around 27000 km/h horizontally in the forward direction (Thanks Q for the push ;) ). Hey presto, it's now in a circular orbit, approximately 7000km above the Earth singularity. I can now get Q to put the Earth and Relativity back to normal, and we have the satellite in a nice 800km circular orbit. :)
Hope that extreme, imaginary example helps illustrate what's going on. :)
Metric was used, because that's the direction NASA and space science is headed. I can work in either system myself... ;)
73 de VK3JED http://vkradio.com
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