Hello I will be mounting my 22 el 1.2Ghz yagi "inside" my HF 20,15, &10 meter quad. Has anyone tried something like this or even similar? If I mount it up near the top of the mast is might be faily close to my 10M driven loop. I also am considering mounting it 90 degrees to the quad boom and just figure that in whe aiming the short yagi. So what would be the closest I want the yagi to be to any of the HF wires? Part of the space inside the quad is taken up by a 3 foot primestar dish for 2.4 Ghz. So the antenna placement "up there " is getting a bit crowded. I want to try not to degrade 1.2 or my HF suff. The height will be about 50 feet. As Always- Thanks
-- 73 Bob W7LRD "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" Carl Sagan