23 Oct
23 Oct
3:20 p.m.
I will be on SO50 and FO29 for 4 more days. Do not miss the chance for a new grid or DXCC country if you need me. Will be on AO7B as time allows.
Check out more on my QRZ and Facebook pages
73, Jay. VP5/AA4FL
Dr. Jay H. Garlitz, AA4FL
-President/CEO Connected World Internet Ventures, In.
-President-Elect, Medical Amateur Radio Council, *www.marco-ltd.org
-Courtesy Clinical Assoc. Professor, UF Dentistry, Dpt. Community Dentistry
-FCC Trustee, W4DFU at Univ. of Florida, since 2005, www.gatorradio.org.
The Club Station of the Gator Amateur Radio Club, at UF since 1934
-member 2013 T33A Banaba Island Dxpedition, Central Pacific, www.t33a.com
-other past personal calls 3D2FL (Fiji), T30FL (Tarawa), T33FL (Banaba),