27 Apr
27 Apr
9:41 p.m.
Hi Folks,
With the number of Linear Transponder Satellites that are operational or in the pipeline, I thought a simple program to convert uplink to downlink frequencies was worth writing. I’ve written one for Windows. You can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4o375h6bygjxkzr/AABi9Ck9Wc6ODrhXwIVHxI-_a?dl=0 I’ve put the exe file and the same file in zip format. I have put all the current birds plus the ones that have launches pending. Just select the satellite of interest from the “Satellite” drop down menu, put your frequency into the text box and hit the Up or Dn calculate button.
Let me know if you think this is useful.
73, Terry Osborne ZL2BAC