22 Sep
22 Sep
11:54 p.m.
Congratulations to the HITSAT team!
I copied the CW beacon from 22:42 at ~437.280, 22:44 at 274.3 (just after time of closest approach), and 22:45:45 at 268.2. I was busy pointing and tuning, so didn't get any of the telemetry, and Mixw didn't either. There is a bit of a gap between transmissions which makes tuning and pointing by hand a bit tough, especially with no keps ;-)
The signal was quite strong at times, up to s9 or so on a M2 30cp and Landwehr preamp.
Looking forward to 1200 baud data from this satellite hopefully.
73, Drew KO4MA EL88pg New Port Richey, FL AMSAT LM 2332