Dear Sir;
My name Mr.Tanan Rangseeprom my callsign HS1JAN. I need help and advice from you for circuit diagram of V/U Liner transponder .I and team want to build it for payload of JAISAT-1 amateur radio satellites of Thailand. JAISAT means is HEART in thai language. JAISAT is Joint Academies Intelligent Satellites for Amateur Radio of Thailand. this is project research and developmentean consists of RAST and Amateur Radio University inThailand both instructor and students.
JAISAT-1 have payload liner transponder V/U uplink at 145.800 - 145.90 MHz and Downlink at 435.10 - 435.20 MHz on CW/SSB to fit in CUBESAT design. but this time I and technical team have no knowledge of the circuit diagram of liner transponder V/U. So you can help and advice me for Electronic Circuit Diagram of liner transponder V/U.
Best Regards
Tanan Rangseeprom HS1JAN / XU7ADN Project Manager of JAISAT-1 member of RAST email : [email protected]