Voltage should be measured between terminal 6 as the common to terminal 4 or 5 depending on which switched is pressed.
Remove the wires from terminal 1, 2 and 3.
Measure the resistance between the wires that went to terminal 1 and 3. It should measure about 500 ohms.
Then measure between terminals 1 and 2 then 2 and 3. The sum of those should be approximately the value you got between terminals 1 and 3.
An infinity value indicates an open connection somewhere.
To test the motor recruit someone to stand outside and watch the antenna as you work the switches to determine if the motors are working.
This will work unless the rotor is at a limit and the drive to the other direction is either not working or a bad wiring connection exist.
Terminals 1-3 comprise the position feedback and the rotor will work with them disconnected.
Good luck,
Jim McCullers
I've done a few more diagnostics to try and determine why my AZ rotor suddenly stopped working. Here is what I've learned:
Voltage between terminals 4 & 6 and 5 &6 is 30 volts with the switch activated so that suggests voltage should be getting to the rotor from the control box.
Checking resistance at the controller terminals 4 to 5 shows 8 ohms as it should
There is no resistance shown between terminals 4 to 6 or 5 to 6 and I believe that should shw 4 ohms.
So now I'm stumped. Could the problem be in the rotor connector or in the rotor itself?
Any thoughts from the group. I'd like to get this repaired before the snow flies!
Rick, W2JAZ