I agree K5D could have done a better job in their satellite operations. At minimum a simple rotor and even a fixed antenna at 15 degrees with a two radios on all the current satellites would have worked >better and would have probably provided more operators the chance to work K5D. A fulll blown setup with an AZ/EL rotor and doppler tracking would have been the perfect setup considering all the >other equipment that was brought to the K5D DXpedition. It would be interesting to understand what planning was done for satellites operations for K5D. I won't speculate. FM satellites may not be the >ideal satellites for a DXPedition but not everybody has the gear to work the linear brids. I think it comes down to the DX operator. FM satellites can be worked on a DXpedition. I had some pile ups on numerous passes and I was able to work many stations with some discipline and good ears. It takes an operator with contesting experience to work a pile up and >maintain order. Still it is very challenging especially on such operations as K5D. Not sure what to do in the future.
I don't think Gary or Mike are on this list, so I hope they won't mind me speaking for them. K5D on satellite was, as DXpeditions go, a last minute miracle. It was either a handheld and antenna that someone could take in their personal gear or nothing. So as much as I wish they'd have been able to take SSB/CW gear and bigger antennas, etc, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Big DXpeditions like that are always going to concentrate on as many HF contacts as possible, as quickly as possible, so we were very lucky Gary and Mike agreed to take the sat gear as a diversion when offered.
Meanwhile, I've had no inquiries from other DXpeditions about using the gear. If you know someone going somewhere, please let them know about the availability, and maybe take a chance at mentoring them on satellites. If the program proves popular enough I will try to add in SSB/CW capability as a second equipment package.
73, Drew KO4MA