Anyone else not pleased with the new version "improving" LOTW, at least as it involves SAT contacts? Can we get ARRL to undo some things? At least on my computer, you no longer can press the Enter key to go down entry fields one after another. It's a much slower process now. Also, the two most common modes that we've been using on LOTW, CW and VOICE, are no longer first in line, where an expanded list of modes is alphabetized. This also slows down entries. Worse yet, VOICE is no longer a listed mode at all. It's been replaced by SSB, LSB and USB. I could be wrong, but isn't this in particular going to make QSO matching more difficult? Should SAT ops simply enter SSB, or should it be USB (the output of satellites) or LSB (our input to them)? In sum, the whole process is now slower with multiple opportunities for matching errors and contacts not being confirmed. Ugh.