If anyone needs one more positive review to help them decide, I can also vouch for the USB – UIRT / PstRotator method of giving yourself a very inexpensive way to have a fully-functional AZ-only rotator. It's been a wonderful solution for me and works great.
I use Orbitron for sat tracking and that talks to the PstRotator software just fine. Now that we have the DSLWP satellite in lunar orbit, PstRotator can switch from sat tracking to moon tracking with one click.
-Scott, K4KDR
On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 3:27 PM, sean fay [email protected] wrote:
Can confirm that this set up of Roberts is the best thing around for Channel Master set up. I scored a channel master rotor at a thrift store for $1.98 and found the link he just shared. Its really upped my tracking game.
On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 2:03 PM Robert [email protected] wrote:
You might check out my web page at:
for-amsat-satellites-and-includes-free-satellite- tracking-with-pstrotator-and-the-usb-uirt/
for a way to use a $65 for a Jon Rhees USB-UIRT USB Universal Infrared Receiver and Transmitter to work with PstRotator for complete rotator control for working the satellites.
The great thing is that the USB – UIRT is totally plug-and-play once you download the drivers from the USB – UIRT website. There is no programming or software involved with the gizmo.
My web page has the link to the gizmo...and shows how to set up PstRotator to work with it.
This worked flawlessly for me for the 11-12 months that I used it before upgrading to the M2 LEO PACK antennas and the Yaesu G-5500 az el rotator.
Since you already have the Channel Master 9521A Rotator, all you should need is the USB-UIRT for about $65...sometimes, though rarely, they do show up on eBay...you also need PstRotator for about $21 if you don't already have this GREAT software package.
Robert K3RRR
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