Hello Ib,
I go to Italy next monday. Maybe I can pull the plug :-)
Amateur Radio Station ON4HF Eric Knaps Satellite manager UBA
Op 09/06/2012 13:52, Ib Christoffersen schreef:
Hi all, I do not remember when it started with an output frequency of 145.850 MHz. Right on the uplink of AO-27 and SO-50. It is probably more than a year ago.
Please can someone do something serious about it :-)
Yes - I know it is an other organization than the official IARU national organization that is behind it.
I just listened to a pass of AO-27 and the repeater is a solid 59 copy on the downlink. Some of the real users had great difficulty using AO-27 :-(
Have a nice weekend all,
73 OZ1MY Ib
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