On 18 Feb 2007, at 03:52, Margaret Leber wrote:
On 2/17/07, George Henry [email protected] wrote:
Not to encourage Luc's off-meds/off-topic postings, but is this for real? Those wings don't quite look like they have sufficient surface area to support 200 pounds or so of man & jet engine.......
Having seen video of this guy, I didn't see any evidence that he could actually gain significant altitude. He jumps out of a plane, glides around for a while, then pops a parachute to land.
After watching Top Gear on the BBC last night, I'll believe that anything could be made to fly if you stick a big enough rocket to the thing. They strapped a Reliant Robin to something that looked remarkably like a Shuttle assembly and launched it. What surprised me was when the damn thing actually took off....
p.s: To you Yanks etc., a Reliant Robin is a small 3-wheeler car.