Suitsat 2, even in its Suitless Sat version is not really designed for more than toss out the door kind of lifetime. You can take my word for it or not, I don't care if you do or not. I just claim it is so.
It shouldnt be designed for much more then that...without propulsion the orbit will decay like a bag of tools (grin). The (whatever it is costing question) is however will it make it a few weeks?
We are not going
to get a suit in a timely fashion (they tossed them overboard before we even knew it was happening almost).
The first part I agree with...no suit. The part in ()! Really? The flight surgeon told the better half at her flight physical the other day that she was "pregnant...almost"...not really. Pregnant is la binary solution set and we had a pretty good idea about it since the coming home stopover in Greece.. So the flight surgeon was quite definitive. Your words almost sound like a song we sing in Church "Almost Persuaded".
.knowing is the same way as being pregnant, one either does or doesnt...
...are you saying that the fact that the suits were going to be tossed in the Progress over July wasnt known to Amsat NA or the suitsat people in a timely fashion?
What strikes me as more likely is that the project "grew" until it couldnt meet its deadlines...just guessing here.
. This thing cost a tiny amount of money, not
a lot more than flying a few people around.
as I said I am curious what the final number is...the effort will be a "plus" if it works... Suitsat the original would have been good had it worked. Strikes me that having failed at something as simple as "Suiitsat" it might have been a good effort to succeed at something as simple as Suitsat before moving on ...
anyway I am sure AMSAT NA is going forward with this, although in the literature one can now start to detect a note of caution...I read a lot of "its been worth it even if it doesnt fly" sort of stuff.
One just wonders why the Chinese and Indians can redo Oscar 7 and .....
you are one of the bright lights in the business
Robert WB6MZO
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