Received thebestkong CI-V CT-17 Cat Cable for ICOM USB to TTL cable from Amazon that was supposed to work according to several Amazon users. Here is the error I get when I try to install...
I know I can maybe search the internet for some driver that will work, but when WIN11 updates the associated drivers I will be doing it again. I also don't have the desire to build a USB to TTL from scratch, I did this when this was viable 30 years ago when Icom CIV box was expensive and I could build my own cable with a 1 transistor design that would fit into a DB9 shell for a few dollars. So I am still looking for an off the shelf USB to TTL CIV cable from Amazon or eBay that will work with WIN11 supplied drivers.
But wait I have one, a 10 year old USB to TTL Elecraft cable that came with my KPA500 Amplifier for computer control.
So once again does anyone have a part number for a cable that that they have working with WIN11? I would like to return the cable I'm now temporally using with my 9700 back to my Elecraft Amp where it belongs :-)
73 Jeff kb2m
9/4/2022 7:41 PM, jeff griffin wrote:
Does anyone have first hand experience with an Icom CIV to USB cable that is compatible with WIN11? If so the make, model, and source please...
73 Jeff kb2m