Hi all,
The recent events are dramatically. Our two ground stations are almost inoperable.
A few days ago however, a hard-reset of the satellite had occurred, which brought the satellite back into the following vicious circle: Once the heater is being switched on, the battery power drops drastically, which causes another hard-reset. This goes on and on. The only chance to recover the satellite is to avoid the activation of the heater. This can be done by adjusting threshold values.
Since these values are reset after each hard-reset, we would need to send them again and again, until the satellite is in a stable condition (batteries charging), where no reset occurs.
Thus, if you would like to support this recovery phase and have the right equipment to do so, please upload the following DTMF tones to COMPASS-1 (simply from loudspeaker via microphone)
THRESHOLD ADJUSTMENT (to do after every hard reset)
****14#200# heater off to -55 degr THIS IS THE VERY IMPORTANT COMMAND
****13#200# heater on to -55 degr ****16#170# critical batt threshold to 3.3V ****15#255# low batt threshold to max -> charge batteries
The commands consist of 4 stars, two numbers, a hash, 3 numbers, and a hash.
If COMPASS receive this sequence successfully you can hear a short confirmation beep.
There is an good and free DTMF dialer to download here: http://www.polar-electric.com/DTMF/Index.html#Encoder http://www.polar-electric.com/DTMF/Index.html#Encoder
Uplink: 145.980 MHz FM
Downlink: 437.275 MHz CW
If you have any questions, please ask me. Thank you very much in advance !!!
We appreciate your support!! On behalf the COMPASS-team
73, Mike DK3WN
For more information see : http://www.raumfahrt.fh-aachen.de/news.htm