In a nuclear war, the satellites are targeted first to blind and cause chaos to the enemy.
While in the military we learned to rely on absolutely nothing satellite based. It is great when it works, but, is a very easy target and easy to destroy.
What would the radios kept in a "safebox" talk to with the satellites gone?
73 Glenn WB4UIV
At 02:11 AM 12/14/07, wrote:
Has anyone thought about the idea/need/way to safeguard a few ham radio sets in an area in case of EMP? A nuclear device set off above ground will wipe out all modern electronics (ham sat radios) within a large distance from the epicenter. Even if the radios are outside the blast and radiation areas they would be useless because of the EMP (electro magnetic pulse). I would think that HS might be willing to fund a way to create some safe rooms to store some ham gear around the country. Perhaps even a large "safe box"? Ham satellite gear should be in this category.
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