The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on http://www.amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at amsat.org.
In this edition:
* Memorial Service for Anthony "Tony" J. Monteiro, AA2TX (SK) Scheduled * W1AW/4 VA Young Operator Award * Dayton Hotel Reservations * Jerry Buxton, N0JY selected as AMSAT's VP-Engineering * Steve Coy, K8UD joins the AMSAT-NA Board of Directors * ARTSAT Project INVADER satellite Receives an OSCAR Number * AMSAT Awards
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-096.01 ANS-082 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 096.01 From AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD. April 6, 2014 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-096.01
Memorial Service for Anthony "Tony" J. Monteiro, AA2TX (SK) Scheduled
AMSAT has been received word from the family of Tony Monteiro, AA2TX that a service for Tony will be held on Saturday, April 26th at 4:00 PM at the North Parish of North Andover Unitarian Universalist Church, 190 Academy Road, North Andover, MA 01845. During the service there will be an opportunities for people to share their "Tony stories". For individuals wishing to share their stories via e-mail, they should be sent to [email protected] They will be read at the service.
AMSAT VP-Engineering and BoD member Tony Monteiro of North Andover, MA passed away on March 26, 2014 at age 55 from cancer. A special ANS Bulletin was released on March 28th which alerted amateurs around the world of Tony's passing.
[ANS thanks Martha at the AMSAT Office for the above information]
W1AW/4 VA Young Operator Award
When the W1AW/4 VA operates the birds on April 8, 10. and 11, K4AMG will offer a special certificate four young ham radio operators 19 and under.
This certificate will be free. To qualify for this certificate just send your QSL card to:
W1AW/4 VA / K4AMG Memorial Amateur Radio Club 721 Wood Duck Lane Chesapeake, VA 23323
Contact info will be W1AW/4 VA K4AMG.
If you want you may email your picture operating your SAT station for the K4AMG.org home page
This is a free bonus for young hams. We will be honored to send you this free certificate prepared by our WEB MASTER WA9KFB.
To receive your W1AW/4 VA credit in the ARRL 100th Celebration follow the standard ARRL procedures.
[ANS thanks Rich, W4BUE, for the above information]
Dayton Hotel Reservations
This year, AMSAT has reserved a block of rooms for the Dayton Hamvention at the Fairborn Country Inns and Suites at a special group rate. These rooms will be handled through the AMSAT office, rather then directly with the hotel. Preference will be given to those volunteering for a significant time for the AMSAT Booth operations.
While the cutoff date for group rate reservations is April 24th, 2014, most of the rooms in our block have already been taken. If you want a room at the special AMSAT rate, call Martha ASAP (As Soon As Possible)!
The hotel is conveniently located, with a good light breakfast. Many of the AMSAT officers and others who are active in AMSAT will be staying there. You can catch up on old friendships, and bend people's ear. It is also a great place to catch a ride to and from the Hara Arena and other venues from those who have driven or rented vehicles.
Please CALL the office to give Martha your name and credit card number. From the US call toll free at (888) 322-6728. From all other locations call (301) 589-6062.
[ANS thanks Steve, N9IP, for the above information]
Jerry Buxton, N0JY selected as AMSAT's VP-Engineering
In a special AMSAT Board of Directors meeting held via GoToMeeting on Tuesday, April 1st, the board unanimously approved the selection of Jerry Buxton, N0JY of Granbury, TX as AMSAT VP-Engineering. Jerry replaces Tony Monteiro, AA2TX who passed away on March 26th.
Given the significance of completing Fox-1 for delivery on time later this year, the Board recognized that the Fox Program must continue under leadership that is focused on completing AMSAT's latest satellite. Selecting a new VP-Engineering is an important step towards maintaining the momentum that was developed under Tony's leadership and to avoid creating an engineering leadership vacuum as work continues on the satellite. The Engineering Team deserves to have the new leadership identified in order to be in position to make the appropriate engineering decisions.
AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW notes, "Jerry is well qualified to become our new VP-Engineering. His overall knowledge of the Fox-1 program as Systems Engineer under Tony Monteiro coupled with his professional experience in managing complex technical projects will put AMSAT's engineering programs in good hands. Just as important, his management experience and ability to lead engineering teams is critical as our volunteers work hard to deliver the satellite to Cal Poly later this year."
Jerry has been involved with the AMSAT Fox-1 Project as Systems Engineer since September 2011. Recently retired following a 39 year career with Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway, he spent the last 13 years of his career working with the railroad's train dispatching systems. These systems are used to control train traffic over approximately 32,000 miles of track, in a manner similar to air traffic control. Jerry served as project manager as well as participating in the design and development of safety-critical train routing and movement instruction systems, and positive train separation technology. He successfully implemented several mission critical systems in his role as Senior Manager, Network Control Systems and was awarded "Employee of the Year" along with others involved in the Train Management and Dispatch System Project, in 2006.
Jerry became involved in amateur radio satellites with AO-7 and joined AMSAT in April 1983. He currently holds an Extra Class License and is also licensed in Colombia, S.A. as HK5JY. An active amateur, Jerry was number 3 in the world for the number of telemetry frames copied from ARISSat-1. He is also active on terrestrial HF through 1.2 GHz.
"My promotion to Vice President, Engineering is both a humbling honor and a great challenge", notes Jerry. "Tony did much of the work and built an excellent Team of hard working volunteers to design and build AMSAT-NA's first CubeSat. I have every confidence that the Fox-1 Team will complete and deliver a reliable satellite that will reflect well on Tony's legacy."
The March/April issue of AMSAT JOURNAL will have more information concerning AMSAT's new VP-Engineering.
[ANS thanks AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, for the above information]
Steve Coy, K8UD joins the AMSAT-NA Board of Directors
Steve Coy, K8UD of Beavercreek, OH has assumed the seat on the AMSAT Board of Directors formerly held by Tony Monteiro, AA2TX. Steve was originally elected by the AMSAT membership as a Board 'alternate' in the 2013 BoD election and will hold a voting seat through the next BoD election that takes place later this summer.
[ANS thanks Martha at the AMSAT Office for the above information]
ARTSAT Project INVADER satellite Receives an OSCAR Number
The following was received from Bill Tynan, W3XO, AMSAT-NA OSCAR Number Administrator.
The ARTSAT Project, INVADER satellite meets all of the qualifications necessary to receive an OSCAR number. I therefore designate the ARTSAT Project INVADER satellite, Cubesat OSCAR-77 or CO-77. Thus CO-77 joins the earlier Japanese cubesats such as XI-IX(CO-57), XI-V(CO-58), Cute-I(CO-55), SEEDS-II(CO-66).
Congratulations to you and the entire ARTSAT team for the launch and operation of Amateur Radio satellite, CO-77. May its mission be a successful one.
[ANS thanks Bill, W3XO, for the above information]
AMSAT Awards
The following have entered into the Satellite Communicators Club for making their first satellite QSO.
Alan Ehrenberg, N9EDV Benjamin Gaston, KV4RH Scott Medbury, KD5FBA Doug Birky, KB8M Richard Manderski, W2SKI Eric Stapleton, VA7TU
The following have earned the AMSAT Communications Achievement Award.
Richard Manderski, W2SKI, #562
The following have earned the South Africa Satellite Communications Achievement Award.
Richard Manderski, W2SKI, #US190
To see all the awards visit http://www.amsat.org or http://www.amsatnet.com/awards.html
ANS thanks Bruce, KK5DO, for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor, Lee McLamb, KU4OS ku4os at amsat dot org