1. I have one, but have never used it. If I am reading the satellite guide correctly, the only current bird I can use one on (mode B, 435MHz -- not 432) is VO-52. Is that correct? Or is the TX-RX completely wrong? (RX+TX=581.005) 2. I have read that the 2510 (newer version) was much easier to use than the 2510 -- any comment from current or former users? 3. The 2510 could accept a second, add-on oscillator board (the 2511) to give you 435.5 as well as 435.0. I am considering building a version of the board re-crystalled to give me 432.0 (understanding that I will have to go through and re-tune the unit, as well as adjusting the RX-TX offset) --- but this seems like a nice "non-destructive" way to try it.
Or should I put it on the shelf and hope the next transponder bird uses the same band plan as AO-10/13? :-)
Bill W1PA