Hi John,
I know of at least one Dutch radio amateur, Jan Ottens PA0SSB who used his EME dish (one of the first in PA land to do EME back in those days) to receive the ALSEP packages. He still keeps audio tapes of these which I listened to a while ago... quite a thrill. He also used the dish to listen to the command module S-band transmissions, but he could only hear the subcarrier which they used, not enough gain / low NF to demodulate, but from the modulation you could clearly tell that an astronaut was talking. And, you could clearly distinguish the Doppler shift and hear the carrier drop out suddenly when it would go on the "flipside" of the moon. Makes me wish I was born a little earlier hi:) If you like, I can give you his contact details off-list.
Wouter Jan PE4WJ