I've done a little more investigating and the only consistent error I'm receiving is this:
sm[3179]: audio: snd_pcm_writei: File descriptor in bad state
I've briefly looked at the code in the alsaio.c modules and been tempted to add code to help it recover from this state, but I'm not an alsa programmer so I haven't a clue how far I'd need to go. I welcome and appreciate any help the community has to offer.
Soundmodem stays running and still properly decodes packets, but won't encode anything. It just outputs a large quantity of those error messages. What else can I provide?
Paul Kronenwetter wrote:
I've updated the laptop.org Wiki page with locations to download the packages I'm using on the XO. I had a bit of a delay because I tried to update to one of the Joyride builds and it toasted the data on my SD card. I lost all my work. So, with that out of the way, here are the links:
http://n2kiq.dyndns.org.nyud.net/xoaprs/ http://n2kiq.dyndns.org/xoaprs/
If you can, please use the Coral network to get a faster download speed.
I'm also looking for help getting Thomas Saylor's soundmodem package to work with Alsa and a 2.6 kernel. It builds and runs fine until it goes to actually do something with the sound card. This problem isn't specific to the XO, it's just keeping me from using it and another system the way I want to.
Thanks all & 73! -Paul
Paul Kronenwetter wrote:
I've started a page on the laptop.org WIKI, currently at: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Kronenpj to document what I've been doing. Once I get it a bit further along, I'll see if the OLPC folks want amateur-radio stuff in their wiki or somewhere else. In the meantime, anyone with comments or suggestions, please use the discussion tab and we'll work through things.
Paul Kronenwetter wrote:
Bob Bruninga wrote:
I think the XO is a... ground breaking device. Did I get one? No, I realized that it is does not meet my needs and would end up in the closet or given away to a child...
... I can't wait for the ham software to start working with it. Talk about portability... The ease of use, will assure that I will now probbly have the ham radio laptop apps with me more often than before since I will be more apt to carry the small XO at low risk then lug the big laptop.
For what it's worth, I've had good success getting Xastir working on the box. The only part I'm having real trouble with is soundmodem keeps crashing when ever it decodes a packet. Otherwise all is compiling and working nicely, once the appropriate prerequisite packages are installed.