After reading your note, Tim Liley's and Dee's, I'd like to comment on your e-mail.
The July/August 2009 issue of the AMSAT Journal does contain the minutes of the 2008 Board Meeting in Atlanta. Our editor, Ed Long is finalizing the issue and it should be to the printer in the very near future. While the minutes provide a summary of the BOD actions taken in October 2008, we've already publicized key actions and steps taken in previous distribution of information. Further, much has happened in the past 10 months, so while the minutes may be interesting to review, please keep in mind that the minutes do not reflect the current status of the organization.
There are no other formal 'meeting minutes' or 'committee minutes' to be published. No 'official meetings' where the BOD has taken official votes or made decisions that require documentation have taken place since the 2008 AMSAT Symposium. The BOD (including the Board Alternate) does meet informally each month to be briefed on the status of activities of the corporation. For example, I have kept the Board fully informed of the status of our actions on ITAR. However, minutes are not kept since no votes have been taken. This same information is later provided in ANS bulletins or in my 'Apogee View' column published in the AMSAT Journal. BTW, these teleconferences now include the two individuals running for the Board for the first time since it is clear that the entire slate of five candidates will end up being elected to the Board or serve as the next Board Alternate. By including these individuals in the current BOD teleconference, they will be more fully prepared to assume their new duties in September following announcement of election results.
Likewise, there are monthly teleconferences of the senior leadership team, but no minutes are kept because these are tactical meetings. The Engineering Task Force meets regularly but no minutes are formally taken. Keep in mind that this group was appointed by the President, not the Board. Engineering Task Force Chair Bill Ress, N6GHZ has published material in the AMSAT Journal regarding activities of the Task Force.
Please keep in mind that AMSAT has widely distributed information on the state of the organization through a variety of means. If you want to review AMSAT's situation and evaluate the actions of various individuals before making a decision on the Board, you might:
-Read the candidate's statements -Review the articles in the past year of AMSAT Journal, including Apogee View, articles on SuitSat-2 and ITAR, etc. -Review past ANS bulletins which have provided information on AMSAT activities/accomplishments -Review the videos available on the AMSAT Website of the various AMSAT presentations given at Dayton. These presentations provide complete coverage of the current status of AMSAT as of Dayton, the status of SuitSat-2, ARISS, and operations. Go to: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/information/videoNews.php
Lastly, the entire AMSAT leadership, including the current board members and prospective board members, is available to answer member questions or address concerns. The-mail addresses of the current leadership team are listed on the masthead of the AMSAT Journal. The AMSAT website 'officers page' provides a mechanism for sending comments to specific board members and officers. The candidate's statement that I wrote for this year's BOD election includes my AMSAT alias e-mail address. There are no restrictions on individuals contacting our volunteers in leadership positions. Note that two of the five candidates are current BOD members, two of BOD candidates have not previously served on the Board, plus one additional individual is the current Board Alternate. All of these candidates can be contacted by their AMSAT e-mail aliases as well.
Barry Baines, WD4ASW President-AMSAT
On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Timothy J. Salo wrote:
I still haven't returned my ballot for the AMSAT Board of Directors election, in part because I don't feel that I have really good information on which to make a decision. I would like to vote for a Board that will be effective and strengthen the organization. It is particularly important to select the best possible board because, in my view, AMSAT is an organization in serious trouble. But, I would prefer to base my vote on the recent accomplishments, recent positions during board meetings, and explicit near-term objectives of the candidates. I would prefer to not simply use a blunt strategy of voting against all incumbents and for all challengers. Unfortunately, I don't feel that I really know much about the activities of the individual board members.
To remedy this, I suggest that the close of the BoD elections be postponed until at least thirty days after the following have been published:
o A list of all Board meetings held over the last year o Minutes from all of these Board meetings o Minutes from all AMSAT committee meetings of the last year
We can certainly have a discussion about the appropriate level of transparency for the Board and its committees, and whether the Board is meeting those objectives. Here is what the D.C. statutes under which AMSAT is incorporated have to say on the matter:
Each corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, board of directors, and committees having any of the authority of the board of directors; ... All books and records of a corporation may be inspected by any member having voting rights, or his agent or attorney, for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.